Frequently asked



Grizzly Academy Information


The Grizzly Academy is an extended (satellite) campus of Calvary Chapel Christian School. Calvary Chapel Christian School is WASC and ACTS accredited. GA students are part of the student body at CCCS and have many opportunities to participate with on-campus activities. Satellite campus parents receive professional guidance in record keeping and academic planning. Monthly teacher in-services give the parent-teachers encouragement and an opportunity to interact with other GA parents.


Below you will find some of the questions we are frequently asked. If you have any additional questions, we would love to answer your questions face to face or over the phone, whichever works best for you.

What is a satellite school?  

  • GA is an extended campus under the private school affidavit of Calvary Chapel Christian School for grades Kindergarten - 12th grade

  • Junior High & High School students are required to follow the standard academic rigor and the graduation requirements according to the CCCS curriculum guides

  • GA is NOT a homeschool support group

What is WASC & ACTS accreditation and why is it so important?

  • It ensures a high standard of student learning through an ongoing cycle of quality evaluation of a school’s programs and services

  • It validates the integrity of the school’s programs and transcripts

  • Many school districts have policies to accept credits only from accredited schools

  • Students are only eligible for Cal Grants if they attended an accredited high school

  • The University of California passed a policy in November 2002 that requires all schools seeking UC approval of their a-g course list be accredited by WASC

Do I need to live in California to be part of Grizzly Academy?

  • Yes, you need to be residing in Southern California. You will also need to be available to attend the monthly parent-teacher workshops and any in-person meetings.

What is the application process for GA?

  • Have a confirmation/calling from the Lord that this is what He has called you to do

  • Request the GA interest information by contacting Karen Garcia at

Is there an interview process?

  • Once all documentation is received, there is an interview process to review documentation. The parent will meet with the GA director and a CCCS pastor to complete the interview process. The parent will be informed of admission to the GA program.

What are the parent-teacher responsibilities?

  • Obtain the required HSLDA membership using our group #299607

  • Set up a dedicated Gmail address for GA and join Google Classroom

  • ONLY commit to my child’s instruction Monday through Friday between 8am - 1pm for the 180 required school days (you are the primary teacher)

  • Participate in the mandatory parent-teacher workshops

  • Purchase ALL GA approved curriculum materials necessary for teaching (teacher’s editions, testing materials, student textbooks, supplementary materials)

  • Be current on all fees, fundraisers, and tuition expenses

Do you need to teach in English? 

  • All instruction must be done in English by a parent or legal guardian.  The parent or guardian must be the primary instructor.  Parent co-ops are prohibited.

Do we take students who have a 504 or an IEP?

  • Yes. You will need to meet with the GA director to discuss accommodations.

Can I be enrolled in another program and GA at the same time?

  • No, your child must ONLY be enrolled at CCCS.  

Can my student graduate early?

  • We do not offer early graduation even if a student has most of the credits needed for graduation. All students must be full time, 7 courses for grades 7th - 11th, and 5 courses for seniors in grade 12th.  

What are the benefits of GA for elementary students?

  • Attend Friday school, field trips, and the Smart Lab

  • Participate in Choir and Music lessons (additional fee)

What are the benefits of GA for Junior High & High School students

  • Take up to two classes on-campus (additional fee)

  • Participate in extracurricular activities (homecoming, winter formal, prom) (additional fee)

  • Participate in CIF sports (additional fee)

  • Participate in ASB and other student clubs

  • Take up to two community college courses with approval (10th - 12th grade) per semester

  • Participate in chapels and pep rallies

Are parents required to teach courses even if their student is on the main campus and/or takes college classes?

  • Parents are required to teach two or more classes per semester

Can a parent teach honors or AP courses?

  • GA parents cannot teach honors or AP courses

Is there financial assistance for GA?

  • There is no financial aid for GA families